Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Auspicious- Being a good sign; favorable
Sentance:The beginnig of the semester was auspicious for Niomi; she got an A on the first quiz and saw this as a promise for more good grades.

expedite- To speed up sharply; express blame or disapproval
Express lanes in supermarkets expedite the checkout process for shoppers who buy only a few items.
late middle english

extenuating- serving to make a fault less serious
I know I promised to come to the party, but there were extenuating circumstances.
late middle english

fraudulent- characterized by trickery, cheating, or lies
Sentance:Daisy was jailed for filing fraudulent income tax returns.
late middle english

innuendo- an indirect remark or gesture, usually suggesting something belittling
Sentrance: When Neil sai, "Emily's home sick agian," he was using an innuendo.

rebuke-to scold sharply; express blame or disapproval
Sentance: When a puppy chews the furniture, don't hit him; instead rebuke him in a harah voice.
middle english

redeem-to restore oneself to favor by making up for offensive conduct; make amends
Sentance: Liam's parents were angry with him for neglecting his chores, but he redeemed himself by washing the car.
late middle english

subordinate-ubder the authority or power of another; inferior or below another in rank
Sentance: As a waiter, I take orders from the head waiter and he's subodinate to the manager.
[adj., n. suh-bawr-dn-it; v. suh-bawr-dn-eyt]
middle english

transgress- to sin or commit an offense
Sentance: Adam trangressed by eating an apple Eve gave him.
[trans-gres, tranz-]

vehement- intense; forceful
Sentence: I knew my parents would not be happy about my plan to take a year off from school, but I didn't expect their objections to be so vehement.

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