Wednesday, March 6, 2013

analogy-[uh-nal-uh-jee]- a comparison between two thimgs in order to clarify or dramatize a point
               There are many analogies in the Bible to help people understand God.

Vindicate-[vin-di-keyt]- to clear from blame or suspiction; justify or prove right
               Carl could vindicate him self from the crime of robbing the bank in court because he had a solid alibi.

Placebo-[pluh-see-boh]-na substance which contains no medicine, but which the reciver believe is a medicine
              Doctors give placebos to patients that need something to make them mentally feel better.

emanate- [em-uh-neyt]- to flow or come ouut from a source; come forth
               As we were walking toward the concert, I could hear the music emanate from the auditorium.
Rays of Sun Break Through Clouds
annihilate-[uh-nahy-uh-leyt]-to destroy completely; reduce to nothingness
               When Shelby was new at our school girls would spread rumors about her to annihilate her reputation.
criterion-[krahy-teer-ee-uhn]- a standard by whichsomething is or can be judged
               Once Kayla read the first criterion for being a model was to be at least five foot elevan inches, she new she needed to find a new dream.

Subversive[-suhb-vur-zhuh-ner-ee, -shuh-]-acting or intending to undermine or overthrow something established.
               Ever since Jordan broke up with Baily, she has been trying to subversive all his new relationships.

Staunch-[stawnch]-firm, loyal, strong in support
               I cannot believe after Tiger Woods betrayed his wife's trust that he would still have staunch fans.

Holistic- [hoh-lis-tik]-emphasizing the wole and the interdependence of its parts, rather than the parts seperately
              It can seem very overwelming if you think of cooking Thanks Giving dinner with a holistic aproach. You must cook each dish one at a time, one ingredent at a time.

Proficient-[pruh-fish-uhnt]-skilled; expert
              I trust Michael's opinion on what math courses would be suitable for me, after all he is proficient in math.
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