Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CH21 vocab

Decorum[dih-kawr-uhm, -kohr-]- Cprrectness in behavior and manners; standards or conventions of socailly acceptable behavior
              The proper decorum for ballet is to curtsey even after a combination at the bar.
Exhileration[ig-zil-uh-rey-shuhn]-Cheerfulness; high spirits
              Just thinking about going to St.Louis for spring break gives me exhileration.
Extricate [ek-stri-keyt]- To free from a tangled situation or a difficulty
              Jonah was just trying to help extricate all the drama, but he just made a bigger mess.
tenuous[ten-yoo-uhs]- having little substance or basis; weak;poorly supported
               Summer could be a great writer, but some of her esays are full of tenuous ideas.
rejuvenate[ri-joo-vuh-neyt]-To make someone feel or seem young agian; to make something seem fresh or new
              I feel rejuvenated when I wake up from a long nap.
Espouse[ih-spouz, ih-spous]-To support, argue for, or adopt (an idea or cause)
              I show my espouse against animal cruelty by wearing my world wildlife fondation T-shirt.
Synchronize[sing-kruh-nahyz]- To cause to occur st exactly  the same time: to cause clocks and waches to agree in time
               My grandma took me and my sister to New York and while we were there we saw the Rockets perform. They are famous for having all their dancers kick their legs perfectly synchronized.
Facilitate[fuh-sil-i-teyt]-To make easier to do or to get
               My job as as a Wal-mart employee is to help facilitate customers when they are looking for a certian product.

orthodox[awr-thuh-doks]-Following established, traditional rules or beliefs, especially in religion: following what is customary or commonly accepted
              Orthodox Jews only eat kosher food which is blessed by the Raddi.
Exorbitant[ig-zawr-bi-tuhnt] - excessive, especially in amount, cost, or price;beyond what is reasonable or appropriate
               Some stores at the mall have exorbitant prices, but their product are not even good quality.

Monday, February 4, 2013

orgin: Middle English
defanition:to express disapproval of; scold; reproach 
I see my neighbor chide his dog when it barks at other dogs walking by.

Coalition [koh-uh-lish-uhn]
orgin: Latin
defanition: a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.
Sally's mother just passed away from heart disease, so she decided to create a heart disease coaliation to spread awarness.

Commensurate-[kuh-men-ser-it, -sher-]
orgin: Late Latin
defanition:having the same measure; of equal extent or duration. 
The detective thought for sure he had the criminal, but when the DNA test came back the suspects's DNA and the sample found at the scene did not commensurate.

Connotation-  [kon-uh-tey-shuhn]
Orgin:Middle English
definition:  the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning: A possible connotation of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”
I don't think he meant to hurt my feeling, I just took in the wrong connotation.

Diabolic- [dahy-uh-bol-ik]
orgin: Middle English
defanition: having the qualities of a devil; devilish; fiendish; outrageously wicked
He came up with a diabolic plane to murder his own  brother so he could become king.

Dilapidated- [dih-lap-i-dey-tid]
orgin: middle english
defanition:reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear, or neglect. 
When she started the buisness it was nice and clean, but ever since her husbands death things have really dilapidated.

Yen- [yen]
orgin: Americanism
defanition:a desire or craving
I have a real yen for a taco after seeing that taco bell commertial.

Integral  -[in-ti-gruhl, in-teg-ruhl]
orgin: Medieval Latin 
defanition: of, pertaining to, or belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component
You must be very careful when building a house. If one integral is unsterdy, the whole thing will collapse.

Noxious-  [nok-shuhs]
orgin: Latin
harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being
Paige wonders why she is so overwieght, but her diet is filled with processed foods and she never exersises. She just lives a noxious lifestyle.
Scenario- [si-nair-ee-oh, -nahr-]
orgin: Italian
defanition: an outline of the plot of a dramatic work, giving particulars as to the scenes, characters, situations, etc.
During my lifegaurding iterview they gave me a scenario of a man drowning in the pool and asked me what I would do.